.“You owe it to yourself,
to be yourself.”
~Yogi Bhajan

Discover Your Truth
The real truth is that being honest, with yourself and others, is hard. From the time we are born, we are constantly being bombarded with messages on how we should look, feel, and behave. We are taught what to think, believe, and value. I’ve found that no one really gives us permission to discover our own truths. We are conditioned to believe that someone else’s version of the truth is law. Because of this, we disconnect from our true selves. We alter our lives to fit the narrative of how we are “supposed” to live.
Here, I hope you find relief and encouragement. Relief in knowing that you are not alone in feeling misaligned with who you currently are and who you were created to be. Encouragement as you embark or continue on your path to living an authentic life. The truth is not easy. On this journey to living unapologetically authentic, you will be met with challenges, but I promise you that there is no other way to live. Welcome to Unapologetically Authentic!
Unapologetically Authentic Blog Posts
Everyone’s journey is unique – discover yours – and live authentically
Inflation is a Good Thing
Inflation is a good thing. I know you’re probably rolling your eyes or mumbling some choice words at me right now, so let me explain. Inflation is the epitome
What Are You Investing In?
Two things we aren’t taught as kids: how to be in healthy relationships and how to invest our money. No one sits us down and schools us. There are no
Don’t Get Stuck in the Suffering
During our lifetime, we will all experience a certain amount of suffering. I’ve learned that suffering is part of the journey of life. It shows up to teach us,